Our Blog
Articles and news from our firm.Condominium Insurance in SC: What’s Required? When to File?
Horizontal Property Regimes (“HPRs”), often referred to as condominiums, are legally unique developments with various laws applicable exclusively to HPRs. Determining what an HPR association’s insurance obligations are or when and if an HPR association should file a...
HOA Document Recording Under SC HOA Act
Homeowners associations (HOAs) are generally subject to a number of documents which may include, but not be limited to, declarations of covenants, bylaws, a master deed, or amendments thereto. Of course, HOAs are also subject to their state law. In 2018, South...
Attorney-Client Privilege for Homeowners Associations
Attorney-client privilege can be particularly tricky for homeowners’ associations (HOAs), which naturally have numerous board members administering the association as well as members who have certain inspection rights.
Surveillance Cameras in HOA Common Areas
HOA boards may be surprised to learn that recording sound with surveillance cameras could actually subject the HOA to serious liability even when recording video is perfectly permissible.
Be Aware of Time Constraints in HOA Architectural Review Provisions
Even if your HOA is not subject to an express time constraint on its architectural review decisions, it is still advisable to ensure that applications are reviewed and addressed within a reasonable timeframe.
Social Media use by Community Associations
While social media can be a convenient way to get a message out to a large group of people, an HOA must be more careful with its use of social media than perhaps the average individual. In fact, it is worth careful consideration whether social media is right for your HOA at all.