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Board Committees

Feb 6, 2018

Originally posted on December 12, 2011 by Ryan

From time to time, a Board of Directors may find it helpful to delegate responsibilities to Board Committees.  Committees are authorized by the Nonprofit Code in S.C. Code Ann. § 33-31-825, except where prohibited by the Association’s bylaws or articles.

A majority of Board members must approve the creation of a Committee, unless the Association’s bylaws impose a more stringent requirement.  Committees must abide by the same rules as the Board in terms of meetings, actions without meetings, notice and waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements.  Additionally, the Board may delegate non-board functions to Committees.

Some examples of Committees include: a Nominating Committee, Architectural Standards Committee, Covenants Committee, and a Social Committee.  Board Committees should always exercise reasonable care in delegating and supervising Committees and Committee members, as this delegation of authority does not exonerate Board Members from their responsibilities to the Association.

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